Inspiring place for
mind, body and soul
About us
Barono vila was born from deep inspiration and a magical dream to create a unique & special place for people who are looking for rest for mind, body and soul. This is the sacred land of our ancestors, a place where you will find calmness, will definitely spend great time with family, friends and loved ones, celebrate weddings, find harmony with nature and recharge yourself with positive energy. Here, between the two shores, you will find a big peaceful lake, your ears will hear rustling forest nearby, you will sight the deers and Gotland sheep in the horizon and endless meadows.
Our guests are accommodated in Nordic architecture villas, they are available to accommodate 50 guests. In cosy, scandi and modern rooms you will find private showers, balconies and terraces with wonderful views during the morning and evening time. We are sure you will be surprised by our taste of Scandinavian interior design and a lot of love in every detail. Our main goal is not to have a large flow of people so we can give sincere attention and a smile to every guest who visits us.
Kviečiame pavalgyti "Barono vilos" restorane, apsilankyti „Miško SPA“, atrasti „Akmenų sodą“, pasivaikščioti „Miško maudynių“ taku ir patirti nuostabų ramybės, darnos ir pilnatvės jausmą. Laimingi svečiai - mūsų didžiausia motyvacija! "Barono vila" svetingai atveria jums duris. Linkime malonaus, kokybiško ir harmoningo poilsio. Happy guests are our biggest motivation! We wish you a pleasant, quality and harmonious time in our magical place to be.

In Barono vila you will explore not only modern villas but also you will be able to feel the energy of our walls, forest and history of our family surrounded by stories and legends. Let’s get back to 1919 when our ancestors lived and worked in this land, farmhouse and a mansion. It was built on the top of the hill of a beautiful place called Butėnai village. Our grandfather was a respected elder of the village. After the outbreak of World War II, his son Povilas (Moose) bravely participated in the partisan war. The family members were exiled to Siberia and dispersed, their home and large garden were destroyed.
After the restoration of Independence in Lithuania, we came here from the city, we got our grandparents land back and started farming. In 1991, a new family house was started to be built in the middle of a field, next to the magical forest. After 50 years, we started to build and grow more houses, a lake was dug, and a new garden was planted by our own hands. The history of the oldest house is remembered by the old forest, mossy stones, first photographs and us. On the top of the hill, in memory of the old house, you will find Lithuanian cross rhymes. For all of us, family history is very important because it has made us who we are now and what we can be proud of.
World of nature & animals
On an area of 30 hectares, here in Barono vila, you will meet grand deers, Scandinavian origin Gotland’s sheep graze in the green meadows. Almost 10 years we have been in love with wild animals and protecting rare breeds. At the moment we are looking after around 200 deers and around 100 sheep. Our guests have the opportunity to visit and see wild animals from their accommodation windows and to meet them from very close (if you’ll be the lucky ones).

We pay attention to a sustainable way of life - we have chosen to live in such a way that the decisions made are the least harmful to the environment - nature and us, people. Balancing sustainability and harmony requires a huge courage, investment and continuous effort. Long time ago, we started to use renewable energy sources. All buildings are equipped with modern geothermal heating/cooling, recuperative ventilation and air conditioning systems and a solar power plant installed on the roof which produces electricity for the villas. Here you will find a private electric cars charging station. We do recycling and ask our guests to do so too.
Barono vila helping to replant the destroyed oak forest in Lithuania. We are proud that at the moment more than 500,000 oak trees have already been planted and cared for in an area of 1,000 hectares.
Stone garden
Story of The Stone garden started on 8th of May, 2016 and still continues. You have a magical opportunity to ask Universe for the protection, peace, health and love to yourself and beloved ones. We invite you to enjoy the beauty of stones and also the energy they emit, explore, meditate and experience their magical effects. Here you will find peace, harmony and fulfilment.
Please behave respectfully - do not make noise, do not climb on stones, do not litter. Barono vila owners Rūta and Petras are grateful to Indre Skuminiene (head of the "Agnija" association) for the knowledge and help.

Oak forest
The most important and most respected tree in Lithuania has always been the oak tree. From the old times oak is called sacred tree, a symbol of strength and solidity and has been revered throughout the ages. Barono vila helped to replant the destroyed oak forest in Lithuania. We are proud that at the moment more than 500,000 oak trees have already been planted and cared for in an area of 1,000 hectares.
In the 16th century, oak groves in Lithuania accounted for 15-20% forest area. Currently, only 2 percent remain.
Ratings & awards
It’s not because of the awards, it’s all about the feedback which is really important for all our team.
- Since 2001 Barono vila has been a member of the Lithuanian Rural Tourism Association, rated 5 storks.
- 2016 ‒ Award of the Lithuanian Architects Union for one of the 5 best implemented architectural projects at the exhibition "North direction".
- 2017 ‒ Anykščiai municipality award "Tourism acorns" - nomination "The most creative homestead".
- 2019 ‒ "Summer Lions 2019" award of the Association of Lithuanian Resorts.
- 2021 - Award of the Lithuanian Ministry of Economy and Innovation on the occasion of Tourism Day for new opportunities found during the pandemic.